By: Frank Fulop 29 April 2015 For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. (1 John 5:4-5) Have you ever heard people say, “Why …
By: Frank Fulop June 2007 The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made. (Psalm 145:9) Have you ever heard people say of homosexuals, that God made them that way (or they were born that way); they can’t help being the way they are and we just have to accept …
Why did God command killing in the Old Testament?
While spending time with friends, a question was asked regarding violence in the Old Testament. The issue with which they were struggling was a question about the command not to “commit murder”, yet God commands Isreal to “destroy” the Canaanites and, later on, the Amalekites (Deuteronomy 20:16-18; 1 Samuel 15:2-3, etc.) Does this mean God …
Not chance, but determined (Acts 17:26-27)
Do you believe in chance or that you just happened to be born where you are and live in the area where you are purely based on luck (or lack of it) and how things turned out? The Bible teaches us otherwise and that God has determined allotted periods and boundaries of your dwelling place …
Why didn’t God give fallen angels a chance to repent?
Question: Why did God choose to save mankind from their sin but not the fallen angels? The Bible does not explicitly address this question about fallen angels and their chance to repent. However, we can use biblical principles and teachings to bring about some understanding as to why this is. When we read Ephesians 1:11, we …
The sign of a virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14)?
Isaiah 7:14 is a prophetic verse of the coming Messiah. When this passage was written, it was to have an immediate fulfilment and a future one. In Isaiah 7:10-25, Ahaz refuses a sign the Lord offered when he spoke against his rebellion and ingratitude. Even so, God would continue to provide “a sign“, promised and …