2 Thessalonians Messages

The Lord will direct your hearts (2 Thessalonians 3:4-5)

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2 Thessalonians 3:4-5 

“And we have confidence in the Lord about you, that you are doing and will do the things that we command. May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.”

This passage reveals to us that God is in total control, ‘all the time’. It is God’s power that directs our hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ. The faithfulness of the Lord is supplemented, by the faithfulness of His people. 

When we read through scripture, we quickly understand that all things happen as directed by the Lord. Even our obedience to His commandments. Our wisdom or strength can achieve nothing; it is only through His power.

1 Kings 8:58 says “that he may incline our hearts to him, to walk in all his ways and to keep his commandments, his statutes, and his rules, which he commanded our fathers.” 

When we read 2 Thessalonians 3:4, it says “And we have confidence in the Lord about you, that you are doing and will do the things that we command.” The Apostle had confidence that the church in Thessalonica is doing all the things as he instructed. Likewise, for you and me to follow the commandments given to us, we need to pray the prayer of 1 Kings 8:58, that is, the Lord would incline our hearts to walk in all His ways and to keep His commandments, His statutes, His rules which He has commanded us through scripture (Bible).

The Apostle Paul reiterates this in 2 Thessalonians 3:5 saying “May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.”

When God does this work in your life, you have a new love and passion for all the things of God. His Holy Spirit fills your life and leads you and guides you in His ways. Psalm 141:4 says “Do not let my heart incline to any evil, to busy myself with wicked deeds in company with men who work iniquity, and let me not eat of their delicacies!”

Let us also pray this prayer. We need to pray to God, who helps us to keep His ways and not walk in the ways of evil and sin. Only the Lord can direct our hearts to do this and to follow His directions.

So today, examine yourself and see if you are walking in the commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ. If not, you need to realise that you cannot do it in your strength. You need the Lord to direct your heart. Take a moment to pray and ask God to direct your heart that he may lead you to his love and His steadfastness. Amen! 

God bless.

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